Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm Alive

It's 10:00 in the morning. I can hear the rain beating against the window in my bedroom. After tossing and turning in my all too warm and cozy bed, my feet finally hit the floor. I go to the window and peek out only to realize that the plans that I had previously made for this day have been deminished. The only day off that I have for the entire week and mother nature has decided to ruin it for me. Great. I turn away from the window and examine my bed closely, coming to the conclusion that it is going to my best friend for the day. For some odd reason, I decide to make my way through the house to the kitchen to scrounge up some breakfast. To my dismay there was nothing to eat. Great, again. Now I was tired, grouchy and hungry. What a great combination! The day just seems to be getting more aggravating by the second. What's the point in even trying to accomplish something today?

Well the point is...I am lucky to be alive. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, so what? Things aren't going my way, so what? We honestly do not take the time out of the day to "stop and smell the roses". So many times we are in a hurry. Rushing to get to work, a dinner date, a family gathering or even a child's soccer game, (I don't have children, but maybe some of you do). What may not be ideal to you, may be a blessing to someone else. Like this rain for example. I had plans to wake up early, grab my ugly stick (fishing pole) and head off to the river for a relaxing day of fishing. (Yes boys, there are girls out there that love fishing just as much as you do.) Clearly the rain was a blessing to the County of Rockbridge and it's surrounding counties. Our firefighters have been working around the clock battling one of the largest wildfires we have seen in Virginia. So the rain was a good thing, (like the Luke Bryan song).

I live in Virginia, which is one of the most beautiful places that you could lay your eyes on. I've resided here my whole twenty-four years of existence and there are still new things that I experience every day. You know why I get to experience these things? Because I'm alive. I have a life that I have taken for granted, people that I have let down along the way. A past of regrets and broken promises. No matter what I have been through, I am still here, enjoying life. At least I think that I am enjoying life, right? Wrong. I am human just like everyone else. I don't take the time to appreciate that I have a nice bed to sleep in at night, a roof over my head and shoes on my feet. I'm the one sitting here complaining about the rain, just because it ruined my plans. I didn't take the time to appreciate this rain.

I step outside on my back porch, it's still raining. I gaze at the mountains in the distance. As I am becoming drenched from the rain, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I feel the beads of rain beating down on the top of my head. I remain silent and still as I take in the moment that is surrounding me. The breeze blows the rain against my cheeks and I now feel the cool tingle. There is no sound except for the rain. No noise from the every day world. I am alone in the country. Away from the world for just a moment. I am living in this moment, taking it all in breath by breath. This is my moment. The moment in which I have decided to stop and enjoy the beauty of where I live; the beauty of nature. I open my eyes and look around one last time. As I turn around and make my way towards the door of the house, I smile and softly whisper, "I'm alive."